Presentation Day

Presentation Day FAQs

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"What a fantastic morning and such a successful day the presentation day was, keep up the great work Kinderballet, love the program!" - Kirstie

In Summary

What is 'Presentation Day'?

'Presentation Day' is Kinderballet's unique end of year event for ALL of our classes!

It's a mini-concert, an opportunity for your child to perform in front of a small, intimate audience of family and friends - without the unnecessary stress of the traditional dance school concert.

All children receive a costume* to wear during the performance (which they get to keep) and are presented with a medal* at the conclusion of the performance.

(*Older classes may get a trophy instead of a medal and more than one costume, depending on the class)

How is 'Presentation Day' different to 'Open Day'?

'Open Day' is usually the final class of term, except for term 4, in which is it replaced by 'Presentation Day'!

'Open Days' are an opportunity for a few close friends and family to come along as see the final class of term, a chance to see what the children have been learning.

'Presentation Day' is more of a mini-concert, including a actual performance aspect, with costumes and medals for each child, giving each child the opportunity to perform in front of a small audience.

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for a great year and fantastic, relaxed presentation day today. My little ballerina loved performing for her Nanna and her Dad and going up on stage to collect her medal." - Renee

Cherubs and Mummy & Me Classes

Does 'Mum' participate in the Cherubs and Mummy & Me Presentation Day class?

Yes, to keep things the same as your regular class and to assist when needed. Having Mum within arm's length at all times makes this a very safe and secure environment for your child to perform at their best!

What should 'Mum' wear for the Presentation Day class?

Try and wear all black, that way you will not stand out and allow the children to take the limelight!

Can Dad participate in the Cherubs and Mummy & Me Presentation Day performance instead of Mum?

Certainly, and it doesn't have to be the person who normally comes to class to assist. If you are planning for someone else to assist on the day then we strongly encourage them to come along to a few classes to get the hang of it, so you can support your child properly on the day!

Find out more about Presentation Day for our Cherubs classes!

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"Thank you so much for the presentation day and also Kinderballet for giving an opportunity to kids to present their talents." - Naveen


How much does it cost?

The Presentation Day Fee is $35 for 'Cherubs', $68 per child for 'Mummy & Me' and 'Tots' classes and $78 for 'Next Steps' classes.

The price for Aspirant classes will be different for each class as costumes and the cost of the external assessor will differ between classes and some students may already have part of the costume from last year. If you have a child in one of our Aspirants classes, we will be in touch directly with specific details.

How do we pay?

The Presentation Day Fee is charged along with Term 4 fees, so it will be included with your Term 4 invoice.

I'm not sure if my child will participate...

The best thing to do is to pay the Presentation Day Fee along with your Term 4 fees, then see how you go in the lead-up to Presentation Day.

If your child does not wish to attend then you can still drop by to pick-up the costume and medal at no extra cost or we can post it out to you within a couple of weeks (please allow $14.95 for postage and handling)


What if we don't want to do Presentation Day?

Please contact us as soon as possible and we will make a note in your record and have the fee taken off your invoice. Please note that if you later change your mind and decide to go ahead with Presentation Day, there will be an additional fee of $16.95 to cover the changes to invoicing and having the extra costume and medal packaged and sent out to the teacher. We do not guarantee your place if you do change your mind as we might not have a costume and medal or cannot get it to the teacher in time. We also cannot accept any last minute changes so please let us know at least two weeks before your scheduled Presentation Day class.

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Presentation Day

"We thoroughly enjoyed the presentation day performance last Friday! Thank you! The standard of the dances was so fantastic and we couldn't have been prouder of our daughter and the other children in the class." - Monica


How do you know the costume will fit?

We purchase costumes in 5 different sizes. We select a style (and quality) of costume which achieves a good fit on children of varying sizes and shapes. We ask all teachers to categorize each of their students so we can allocate costumes of different sizes. We supply extra costumes to allow for surprises. We have done this successfully for nearly 50,000 students over past 16 years and are getting better at it every year.

When do we get the costume?

You will be given your costume when you arrive at the venue on Presentation Day - all you need to do is put it on. The teacher will have some spares just in case there are any issues with the size.

Can we pick-up the costume the previous week?

Only if you are not doing Presentation Day and have made arrangements as such.

Do we get to keep the costume and medal?

Yes, you sure do!

What if I don't want to keep the costume?

You can never have enough dress-ups! Many students wear their Presentation Day costumes to class throughout the following year. If you really don't want it, you can return it to your teacher or drop it in at our office and we will make sure it is given to someone in need this Christmas.


We send the used costumes on to the "Connections - Christmas Food and Gift Appeal", which is a part of Uniting care, a very worthy charity who we are proud to be able to support. Please check out their website, maybe you will be also help out some families in need this Christmas: Connections - Christmas Food and Gift Appeal

We won't be able to attend Presentation Day, can we still get a costume and medal?

Yes, if you know beforehand that you won't be able to attend then you might be able to pick them up from the teacher the week before, in which case you can arrange directly with your teacher.

If it's a last minute situation (ie. sickness) then please drop in to the class and pick-up on the day - that way your child still gets their costume and medal on the day!

If you cannot do either of these then we can post them out to you, please allow $14.95 for postage and handling.

Can I purchase an extra costume and medal?

Most likely, it will depend on what we have left after all of the Presentation Day performances are finished. Please contact our office or visit our Online Store.

We did Presentation Day last year, can we just wear the same costume this year?

No, the costumes are different for each group, each year, so your child would be the only one in a different costume.

Do we have to wear the costume provided by Kinderballet or can we wear what we like?

You must wear the costume we provide. It is a group performance and to appear as part of the group (and feel part of the group) we need you in the specific costume we provide.

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"I would just like to say how lovely the presentation day was, I was particularly impressed with the format which meant the children were so relaxed and happy when presenting for their family and friends - rather than making the day a stressful 'performance'. Thank you very much for everything and we look forward to seeing you in the new year." - Francesca


How many people can we bring?

We allow for 4* audience members per student.

Does that include 'Mum' for Cherubs and Mummy & Me classes?

'Mum' in the 'Cherubs' or 'Mummy & Me' class performances is considered a 'performer' so she would not count as an audience member.

What if I bring my baby along, does that count?

Very young children don't count in the total if they will not take up a seat.

Why are only 4 people allowed?

We want to keep the audience small so as not to overwhelm our very young performers. We also want to keep the performance in our regular venue where possible for familiarity. Extra people could also cause us to go over maximum limits for things like fire safety.

What if we need to bring more people?

Most likely you will be able to, please discuss it with the teacher. It will depend on the size of the class, size of the venue (some venues do have maximums which cannot be exceeded for health and safty reasons), and whether other people from the same class have also requested to bring along extra people. Also remember that we don't want a huge audience - the larger the audience the more overwhelming it will be for the little ones.

What if we don't have four people to attend - can we get a partial refund?


Do we need tickets to attend Presentation Day?

No one requires a ticket to attend our Presentation Day classes.

What if we have more than one child in the class, can we bring more people along?

We allow for 4 audience members per student, so if you have 2 children participating in the performance then you can bring 8 people.

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"Just wanted to pass on my congratulations to Miss Jude the presentation day on Friday was a huge success." - Kerry


Can I take photos and/or video during the performance?

You are welcome to take whatever photos and video you like as long as it is used for non-commercial purposes only. Please let us know if you are approached by anyone offering photos for sale.

What if I don't want people taking photos and/or video of my child?

In this case it would be best not to participate in Presentation Day.

What is the Presentation Day Photo Competition?

It's a competition we run each year, prizes are awarded to the best photos we receive from Presentation Day. The wonderful images you see on this page were all taken by parents and submitted to the photo comp. What you see are images of very happy children who have had a wonderful time at their Presentation Days! Find out more...

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"'Nyah absolutely loved her presentation day as did grandparents and myself who attended. It was very exciting to watch Nyah and her friends dance. I especially loved the fact that they were celebrated as the stars. I think the presentation day format was wonderful as it fostered the children and allowed them to be the stars rather than one act in a whole concert like last year. I know for the teachers, that the presentation days would be very time consuming for every group however the extra effort is noted and allows us as parents to focus on the only person we really want to see dance...our daughter. Thanking you for your efforts" - Trudy


What should my child wear to come to class on Presentation Day?

Children can arrive in their regular clothes.

What do we need to bring?

Ballet shoes, tights (or socks), camera (or iPads and phones). A new/clean pair of tights will look nice during the performance and in photos. You can purchase from our Online Store

Do we have to have hair in a ballet bun?

Only if you (and your child) want to, we don't require all the children to have their hair the same.

Do we need to get new ballet shoes and tights?

Only if their current shoes and tights are a bit messy looking - its totally up to you.

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"Just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the presentation this week ... what an excellent job Rochelle did preparing the girls all term and on the day. They all seemed really relaxed and enjoying themselves which I think is a credit to her as a teacher. I know Violet was also pretty impressed with the costume she got to keep and proud of her medal." - Emma

*Cherubs Classes

Our 'Cherubs' will do their Presentation Day class very similar to the older classes, the big difference is the costume.

We supply our Cherubs with a simple tutu band. This is to keep the preparation to a miminum, there are no sizing issues to worry about and much fiddling around to get things right. All of this extra inconvenience for little ones can cause overwhelm and stress, whereas a tutu band can be just slipped on at the last minute - like its no big deal :)

Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day Kinderballet Presentation Day

"...She looooved the dress so much it didn't come off until dinner time!!" - Kate

[Last Updated 21/08/2024 8:47am]