Ages: 8-10 years
Duration: 1 hour
End of year event: Presentation Day
*Fees: $24 per class (when paid termly)
Following on from the Next Steps programs, Aspirants is developed to be the next stage in learning classical ballet. Unlike Next Steps, Aspirants doesn’t follow a class theme, but follows the structure of a traditional ballet class with barre work and centre practice.
While the class largely focuses on Classical ballet technique and building on the foundations laid by the previous levels to increase the repertoire of steps, the class is a recreational ballet class for those children wanting to experience a ballet class once a week. There is an element of creative movement within the program, to allow for freedom of expression and children’s own ability to think creatively. Along with set dances, the children will also have opportunities to develop their own choreographic skills within the class.
The Aspirant program will culminate in a Presentation day - performing class work and dances to an audience and an adjudicator where the children receive an appraisal for their dancing for the year.
See also: