Office Opens for the year: Monday 15th Jan, 2024
Office Closes for the year: Friday 20th Dec, 2024
Please note:
We do not run classes on public holidays, we do however run classes as normal on long weekends - on the days which are not the acutal public holidays.
Our classes roughly follow the public school terms in each state - there may be differences between the Kinderballet term and the official school term - see below for details.
Term 1: Monday 29th January to Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Monday 15th April to Sunday 30th June
Term 3: Monday 15th July to Sunday 22nd September
Term 4: Monday 7th October to Sunday 15th December
Public Holidays:
Term 1:Monday 39th January to Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Monday 15th April to Sunday 23rd June
Term 3: Monday 8th July to Sunday 15th September
Term 4: Monday 30th October to Sunday 15th December
Public Holidays:
Term 1: Monday 29th January to Sunday 14th April
Term 2: Monday 29th April to Sunday 7th July
Term 3: Monday 22nd July to Sunday 29th September
Term 4: Monday 14th October to Sunday 15th December
Public Holidays:
Term 1: Monday 29th January to Sunday 14th April
Term 2: Monday 29th April to Sunday 7th July
Term 3: Monday 22nd July to Sunday 29th September
Term 4: Monday 14th October to Sunday 15th December
Public Holidays: